"""Temporal downscaling of fluxes following Olsen and Randerson (2004)."""
import numpy as np
from .__version__ import VERSION as __version__ # noqa: F401
"""Conversion factor to estimate GPP from NEE
The downscaling needs :abbr:`GPP (Gross Primary Productivity)`, but
often only :abbr:`NEE (Net Ecosystem Exchange)` is available. This
describes how to turn the latter into an estimate of the former.
Q10 = 1.5
"""The :math:`Q_{10}` value used in the Olsen and Randerson downscaling.
It is the factor by which the respiration increases when the
temperature increases by ten degrees.
T0 = 30
"""Baseline temperature for Olsen-Randerson downscaling.
Should be near the center of the temperature range.
[docs]def olsen_randerson_once(flux_nep, temperature, par):
"""Perform the Olson Randerson downscaling.
flux_nep : np.ndarray[...]
Biogenic :abbr:`NEP (Net Ecosystem Productivity)`, usually at
monthly timescale. Units must include time in the
temperature : np.ndarray[N, ...]
Temperature in Celsius, at the downscaled resolution.
Units are expected to be degrees Celsius.
par : np.ndarray[N, ...]
:abbr:`PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)`, at the
downscaled resolution.
:abbr:`PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)` is defined
to be greater than or equal to zero.
flux_nee : np.ndarray[N, ...]
The downscaled :abbr:`NEP (Net Ecosystem Productivity)`.
Olsen, Seth C. and James T. Randerson, 2004. "Differences between
surface and column atmospheric CO2 and implications for carbon
cycle research," *Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres*
vol. 109, no. D2, D02301. :doi:`10.1029/2003JD003968`.
>>> time = np.arange(0, 3, .1)
>>> par = -np.cos(2 * np.pi * time)
>>> par[par < 0] = 0
>>> temperature = 10 - 10 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * time)
>>> # First item in row alternates between midnight and noon
>>> olsen_randerson_once(np.array(5), temperature, par)
array([-3.20043607, -3.4581163 , -4.2353102 , 4.10768819, 18.33559721,
23.70071827, 18.33559721, 4.10768819, -4.2353102 , -3.4581163 ,
-3.20043607, -3.4581163 , -4.2353102 , 4.10768819, 18.33559721,
23.70071827, 18.33559721, 4.10768819, -4.2353102 , -3.4581163 ,
-3.20043607, -3.4581163 , -4.2353102 , 4.10768819, 18.33559721,
23.70071827, 18.33559721, 4.10768819, -4.2353102 , -3.4581163 ])
estimated_gpp = NEP_TO_GPP_FACTOR * flux_nep
flux_gpp = olsen_randerson_gpp_once(
estimated_gpp, par
flux_resp = olsen_randerson_resp_once(
estimated_gpp - flux_nep, temperature
return flux_gpp - flux_resp
[docs]def olsen_randerson_gpp_once(flux_gpp, par):
"""Downscale the GPP following Olsen and Randerson (2004).
flux_gpp : np.ndarray[...]
The :abbr:`GPP (Gross Primary Productivity)` to downscale.
Units must include time in denominator.
:abbr:`GPP (Gross Primary Productivity)` is defined to be
greater than or equal to zero.
par : np.ndarray[N, ...]
:abbr:`PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)` at
downscaled frequency.
Will be used for the :abbr:`GPP (Gross Primary Productivity)`
:abbr:`PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)` is defined
to be greater than or equal to zero.
flux_gpp : np.ndarray[N, ...]
The downscaled :abbr:`GPP (Gross Primary Productivity)`
Olsen, Seth C. and James T. Randerson, 2004. "Differences between
surface and column atmospheric CO2 and implications for carbon
cycle research," *Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres*
vol. 109, no. D2, D02301. :doi:`10.1029/2003JD003968`.
>>> olsen_randerson_gpp_once(np.array(2.), np.array([0., 1, 1]))
array([0., 3., 3.])
>>> olsen_randerson_gpp_once(np.array(2.), np.array([0., 2, 2]))
array([0., 3., 3.])
par_total = par.mean(axis=0)
return (flux_gpp / par_total)[np.newaxis, ...] * par
[docs]def olsen_randerson_resp_once(flux_resp, temperature):
"""Downscale the respiration following Olsen and Randerson (2004).
flux_resp : np.ndarray[...]
The original respiration fluxes to downscale.
Units must include time in the denominator.
Respiration fluxes are defined to be greater than or equal to zero.
temperature : np.ndarray[N, ...]
The temperature at the downscaled frequency.
Expected units are degrees Celsius.
flux_resp : np.ndarray[N, ...]
The downscaled respiration fluxes.
Olsen, Seth C. and James T. Randerson, 2004. "Differences between
surface and column atmospheric CO2 and implications for carbon
cycle research," *Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres*
vol. 109, no. D2, D02301. :doi:`10.1029/2003JD003968`.
>>> olsen_randerson_resp_once(np.array(19./12.), np.array([0., 10., 20.]))
array([1. , 1.5 , 2.25])
resp_scaling = Q10 ** ((temperature - T0) / 10)
resp_total = resp_scaling.mean(axis=0)
return (flux_resp / resp_total)[np.newaxis, ...] * resp_scaling